Launching ceremony of Green summer volunteer campaign 2022

Chủ nhật - 10/07/2022 04:16
The Green summer in 2022 will be implemented from July 10 to August 15 with many practical and meaningful activities. Each program is organized for the purpose of creating good opportunities for young people to help others and become more mature.
Launching ceremony of Green summer volunteer campaign 2022
July 10, 2022, at Hall C1 of University of Transport and Communications Campus in Ho Chi Minh City (UTC-HCMC), the launching ceremony of Green summer volunteer campaign 2022 took place. Attending the event was Mr. Dang Van On - Head of the Politics & Student Affairs Department, Mr. Vu Van Dinh -  Secretary of University Youth Union, representatives of Ward Youth Unions in Thu Duc City and the presence of a large number of volunteers.
Chào cờ

The targets were announced at a launch ceremony include activities visiting and giving gifts to policy beneficiary families and poor families, building charity houses, fixing roads, planting trees, light the candle of gratitudeas as well as organizing cultural and sports exchanges in the locality
Phát biểu

Mr. Tran Xuan Ba - Campaign Commander briefly presented the plan to organize the Green summer in 2022
The volunteers also opened training classes on social skills in self-defence for emergencies and rescue, fighting and preventing fires and open playgrounds for more than 1000 teenagers and children during the summer.
Thắp nến

Media and Communication Department of HCYU and VSA
(the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union and the Vietnamese Students' Association)

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