The Meeting between HCMC Department of Transport leaders and City youths

Chủ nhật - 31/07/2022 07:33
The Meeting between HCMC Department of Transport leaders and City youths
The Meeting between HCMC Department of Transport leaders and City youths
   The program was held on July 31, 2022, students met with Vice Director of the municipal Department of     Transport, Võ Khánh Hưng. In addition to chatting with experts in the field of transport, students learned about the skills for undertaking urban transport planning and management tasks holistically and comprehensively.
   At the meeting, representatives of the Youth Union - Students' Association of UTC-HCMC, students majoring in transport participated enthusiastically and exchanged many problems about the traffic situation as well as suggested solutions to build a smart and friendly city.
   The program helped union members and young people learn and improve their knowledge about traffic in the city and experience all kinds of public transport and experience a day as a traffic police officer.
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